Fresh Water

There is nothing more refreshing that a cup of chilled, filtered water, but did you know that having 5% less than the recommended daily amount of water can affect mental and physical performance, and productivity by 20-30%? It is important that your staff and visitors have access to high-quality drinking water, making the installation of a water machine a must for every business.

Water Coolers

Our range of water coolers are plumbed directly into the mains, and offer filtered, cooled water at the touch of a button. These machines deliver a noticeably higher quality supply of chilled drinking water, in a cost-effective manner, compared with the more traditional, costly bottled water systems. Mains-fed water coolers purify the water through a carbon filter, as it is dispensed, doing away with the degradation and sanitation problems associated with bottled water systems. The large drip tray prevents mess from spillage at the machine.

Waste kits are also available to link the cooler directly to the waste water pipes, to dispose of unwanted water.

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